
Friday, November 7, 2014



Boston, Massachusetts (JFK+50) Fifty-four years ago today, November 7, 1960, Senator John F. Kennedy ended his campaign for the office of President of the United States here in Boston.  He spoke at the Boston Garden and Faneuil Hall.

The soon-to-be president-elect said...

"On (the next President's) shoulders will rest burdens heavier than (those) of any President's since...Lincoln.

War and peace, the progress of the country, the security of the people, the education of our children, jobs, the development of...resources--the symbolic feeling of a nation, the image the nation presents to the world, its' power, prestige and direction--all...will come to rest on the President of the United States."

JFK Bumper Sticker 1960
JFK Library Image

Later, at historic Faneuil Hall*, JFK said:

"This old hall reminds us of how far we've been...& what we must do in the future.  This painting behind me is of the first Thanksgiving.  (The Plymouth Colony) had a long, hard experience.  Many...died and yet the first harvest came in and they  gave thanks.

It reminds us of what our people have been willing to do in order to build our society."

*Faneuil Hall, completed in 1742, became known as the "Cradle of Liberty" during the American Revolution as Samuel Adams and James Otis spoke here.
The hall, named for merchant Peter Faneuil, was built by John Smibert.

Faneuil Hall
Boston, Massachusetts 1903


Knoxville, Tennessee (JFK+50) On the day after Barack Obama was re-elected two years ago today, November 7, 2012, a Knoxville News-Sentinel editorial said...

"Obama now must stop campaigning and start leading." 

The editorial also called on Mr. Obama to stand up to the "biggest challenge (which) lies work together (with Republicans) to resolve the most vexing of the nation's ills."

The News-Sentinel, which made no endorsement in the Presidential campaign, also indicated the Congress of the United States bears a responsibility to work with the President...

"Congress owes the country's citizens answers, not finger-pointing or paralyzing partisanship.  As President John F. Kennedy once said...
'Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.'"

Obviously by the results of Tuesday's mid-term elections, a majority of the voters held the President accountable for not meeting the challenge the News-Sentinel described.

**The Knoxville News-Sentinel's Editorial Board includes Patrick Birmingham, Publisher, Jack McElroy, Editor & Scott Barker, Editorial Page Editor.


The Knoxville News Sentinel, November 7, 2012, Opinion Section, page 2B.