
Monday, September 21, 2015


JFK+50:  Volume 5, No. 1720


Austin, Texas (JFK+50) Paul J. Weber of the Associated Press reported yesterday that the Central Intelligence Agency has declassified 19,000 intelligence memos which were TOP SECRET during the Cold War.  

An article published on September 16th by Sophia Beausoleil at says that 2500 of these documents, dated 1961 to 1969, were released and are available in chronological order on the CIA's website.

Beausoleil describes the release in this statement...

"For the first time in history, the Central Intelligence Agency released classified documents only U.S. presidents and a small group of people have had access to previously."

One of the most interesting is the one which let President John F. Kennedy know "that a new warhead launcher" had been spotted in Fidel Castro's Cuba.
The memo was received by the President just one day before the Cuban Missile Crisis ended.

The CIA delivered memos, known as "The President's Daily Brief," to President Kennedy on a daily basis. On the last day of his life, JFK awoke in Ft. Worth with a CIA memo to read telling him that "a Soviet anti-missile paraded in Moscow appeared only designed for use in the atmosphere."

The memos which were released include those provided for President Kennedy and President Lyndon B. JohnsonThe "Agency" continues the practice today but President Barack Obama gets his on a Tablet.

Mr. Weber says that "conspiracy theorists...are likely to be disappointed" because the "briefs remain partially redacted, and what isn't won't rewrite textbooks."  

The AP reporter also says that the CIA published a second brief on November 22, 1963 which simply included a poem that JFK liked...

"Bullfight critics ranked in rows
Crowd the enormous plaza full
But only one is there who knows
And he's the man who fights the bull."


Just two days later, a CIA brief to President Johnson informed him that reports in the press which said Lee Harvey Oswald had visited both the Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico City were true.  The memo indicated that Oswald "was arrange for the USSR via Havana."

CIA memos which followed during the LBJ administration, not surprisingly, were "heavy with intelligence from Vietnam."  KXAM informs us that the CIA plans to release Presidential Daily Briefings from the Ford and Nixon administrations next year.


"CIA declassifies many Cold War-era intelligence memos," by Paul J. Weber, Associated Press, The Knoxville News-Sentinel, September 20, 2015.

"CIA releases top secret documents from Kennedy, Johnson administrations," by Sophia Beausoleil, September 16, 1015,

Northwoods Memorandum (1962)