
Thursday, January 5, 2017


JFK+50:  Volume 7, No. 2180


Knoxville, Tennessee (JFK+50) JFK+50 begins the year 2017 with a review of "Jackie" starring Natalie Portman.  "Jackie" is a Fox Searchlight Pictures film directed by Pablo Larrain.  The screenplay was written by Noah Oppenheim.  Released on December 2, 2016, the movie has an "R" rating and lasts 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Moving forward in the film to a scene following the funeral mass.  Bobby talks with Jack Valenti*, who had been LBJ's liaison with the news media during President Kennedy's visit to Texas.

Valenti says...

"We need to discuss the funeral (and) there's also the matter of the Oval (Office)."**

Bobby replies...

"What do you want me to do first--plan the funeral or pack the furniture?"


"A procession is insane.  I just can't have my president walking***.  Crowd full of people.  Given what's happened.


"Your president?  Regardless of what happens my brother is going to be carried in a box."


There was a climate of tension in the aftermath of the assassination between the Kennedy and Johnson staffers.  This climate existed on AF1 on the return trip from Dallas to Washington and beyond.  LBJ would attempt to heal the wounds by asking JFK's people to stay on with him.  He would say, "I need you more than you need me."

*Jack Joseph Valenti (1921-2007) was born in Houston TX & graduated from the University of Houston in 1946, Harvard University in 1948.  JJV served in the US Army Air Force in WWII & after the war worked in the advertising department at Humble Oil Company.  He was the longtime president of the Motion Picture Actors Association where he created the film rating system.

**LBJ was very considerate in allowing Jackie as much time as she needed to vacate the private quarters but he wanted in the Oval Office ASAP.  JFK's Secretary, Mrs. Evelyn Lincoln, said that on the morning after the assassination LBJ asked if she could have everything moved out by Noon.

***Valenti, along with the Secret Service, was concerned about LBJ's safety in walking in the funeral procession from the White House to St. Matthews Cathedral.


"Jackie-Screenplay," by Script Pipeline,

LBJ Takes Oath of Office on AF1
Jack Valenti (far left)
November 22, 1963
Photo by Cecil W. Stoughton
LBJ Library Image