JULY 11, 2012
Knoxville, Tennessee (JFK+50) Today we continue our report of Chapter 11 of the book by Kenneth P. O'Donnell & David F. Powers with Joe McCarthy. It is published by Little, Brown & Company.
The title of Chapter 11 is The Showdown with Khrushchev.
Kenneth O'Donnell sums up the summit meeting in Vienna between President John F. Kennedy & Premier Nikita Khrushchev this way:
"Even though (the) meeting in Vienna ended in flat disagreement on the two big issues, Berlin* & nuclear testing, both of them gained an understanding & a respect for each other."
Kenny goes on to write that later Khrushchev sent JFK a model of an American whaler made of walrus tusk & whalebone.
But not only that, he sent "Pushinka", a direct offspring of Russian space dog, "Strelka".**
Pierre Salinger's Office
June 21, 1961
Photo by Robert L. Knudsen
JFK Library Image
*The Berlin Crisis ended on October 21, 1961 when Khrushchev announced that he was not going to insist on signing a separate treaty with East Germany before the end of the year.
**Jackie had asked the Premier to send her one of the puppies, but she didn't really think he would.
Kenneth O'Donnell sums up the summit meeting in Vienna between President John F. Kennedy & Premier Nikita Khrushchev this way:
"Even though (the) meeting in Vienna ended in flat disagreement on the two big issues, Berlin* & nuclear testing, both of them gained an understanding & a respect for each other."
Kenny goes on to write that later Khrushchev sent JFK a model of an American whaler made of walrus tusk & whalebone.
But not only that, he sent "Pushinka", a direct offspring of Russian space dog, "Strelka".**
Pierre Salinger's Office
June 21, 1961
Photo by Robert L. Knudsen
JFK Library Image
*The Berlin Crisis ended on October 21, 1961 when Khrushchev announced that he was not going to insist on signing a separate treaty with East Germany before the end of the year.
**Jackie had asked the Premier to send her one of the puppies, but she didn't really think he would.