
Tuesday, January 6, 2015



Washington, D.C. (JFK+50) Fifty-five years ago today, January 6, 1960, Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts held meetings with Senator William Proxmire* (D-Wisconsin), Ivan Nastrgan and Wisconsin Democratic Party State Chairman Pat Lucey** in preparation for his run in the Wisconsin Primary.

After the morning meetings, he had lunch with good friend and fellow Senator George Smathers (D-Florida).  

In the afternoon, Senator Kennedy sat for photographs by United Press International (UPI)  and later participated in the filming of a spot for the Dave Garroway Show at the NBC Studios here in the Nation's Capital.

That evening, JFK attended a dinner at the Women's National Press Club.

*William Proxmire (1915-2005) served in the United States Senate from 1957 to 1989.  He was born in Lake Forest, IL. and graduated from Yale (1938) and Harvard Graduate School of Public Administration (1948).

WP served in military intelligence in WWII and replaced Joseph McCarthy in the US Senate in 1957.   Senator Proxmire, who served on the Armed Services Committee was an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War and of the policies of LBJ and Richard Nixon.

Senator William Proxmire
US Senate Historical Office (1963)

**Patrick Lucey  (1918-2014) was born in La Crosse, WI and graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1946.  He served as Democratic Party State Chairman from 1957 to 1963 and was an aide to JFK in his presidential campaign of 1960.

PL was Governor of Wisconsin from 1971 to 1977  and served US Ambassador to Mexico under President Jimmy Carter (1977-1979).

Patrick Lucey (1963)


"JFK Campaign Calendar," by Michelle Morrissette,