JFK+50: Volume 7, No. 2409
SENATE UNANIMOUSLY APPROVES INCOME TAX AMENDMENTWashington, D.C. (JFK+50) One hundred years ago today, August 22, 1917, the Senate of the United States increased the Finance Committee's income tax provisions of the Revenue Bill by $73,000,000. The increase, however, was only 20% of the increase proposed by Senator Robert La Follette.
Senator James Lewis* of Illinois, reported the Chicago Daily Tribune, charged "the perjuries and hypocritical attitude of the rich had cheated the Treasury of $300,000,000."
Lewis supported the Gerry Amendment, which passed 74-0, adding $40,000,000 to the tax returns of Americans with incomes of $500,000 or greater.
*James Hamilton Lewis (1863-1939) was born in Danville, VA & was a graduate of the University of Virginia. JHL practiced law in Washington State before serving in the United States Senate representing Illinois (1913-1919). He was defeated for re-election in 1918 but was elected a second time in 1930 & served (1931-1939). JHL was the first Senator to hold the title of "Majority Whip." As a Democrat, he was a close ally of President Wilson.
"Senate Votes Big Increase in Income Tax", The Chicago Daily Tribune, August 23, 1917.