Washington, D.C. (JFK+50) On February 26, 1963, McGeorge Bundy*, President John F. Kennedy's national security adviser, issued National Security Action Memorandum # 223.
The memo began by stating that the President had reviewed the report of the National Security Council's Under Secretaries Committee and in response was directing an analysis of the possibility that China "might return to the attack on India at any time this spring".
Mr. Bundy advised that although "intelligence requirements are essential," the President wanted a "political and military appraisal as well." The memo was addressed to the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
*McGeorge "Mac" Bundy (1919-1996) was born in Boston & attended Groton & Yale Universities before serving as a Harvard University dean. After leaving the White House in 1965, MB was president of the Ford Foundation & history professor at NY University.
"McGeorge Bundy Dies at 77; Top Adviser in Vietnam Era", by John Kifner, September 17, 1996, The New York Times,
Washington, D.C. (JFK+50) On February 26, 1963, McGeorge Bundy*, President John F. Kennedy's national security adviser, issued National Security Action Memorandum # 223.
The memo began by stating that the President had reviewed the report of the National Security Council's Under Secretaries Committee and in response was directing an analysis of the possibility that China "might return to the attack on India at any time this spring".
Mr. Bundy advised that although "intelligence requirements are essential," the President wanted a "political and military appraisal as well." The memo was addressed to the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
*McGeorge "Mac" Bundy (1919-1996) was born in Boston & attended Groton & Yale Universities before serving as a Harvard University dean. After leaving the White House in 1965, MB was president of the Ford Foundation & history professor at NY University.
"McGeorge Bundy Dies at 77; Top Adviser in Vietnam Era", by John Kifner, September 17, 1996, The New York Times,
NSM #223
John F. Kennedy Library Image