New York City(JFK+50) On August 31, 1962, former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt discussed the resignation of Justice Felix Frankfurter* from the United States Supreme Court.
Mrs. Roosevelt wrote that despite the fact that her husband, Franklin, had appointed Mr. Frankfurter to the Court "as a liberal," she often disagreed with his decisions yet "always admired and respected him."
Justice Frankfurter was replaced by Arthur Goldberg who had first served as JFK's Secretary of Labor.
A quote attributed to the Justice is...
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power behind the scenes."
*Felix Frankfurter (1882-1965) was born in Vienna, Austria & emigrated to the U.S. at age 12. He was a graduate of the College of New York, New York Law School & Harvard Law School. During WWI, FF served as Judge Advocate General & after the war supported the League of Nations.
FF was a co-founder of the American Civil Liberties Union & as an associate justice of the USSC he advocated "judicial restraint." He did not support the interpretation of the Constitution in such a way to restrain the Executive and Legislative branches.
Eleanor Roosevelt Papers, August 31, 1962, Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, www.erpapers.columbian.gwu.edu/
Justice Felix Frankfurter
Harris & Ewing Photo
Library of Congress Image