New York City (JFK+50) In her "My Day" column of January 18, 1961, former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt* gave her description of the President-elect of the United States. She wrote...
"As the day approaches, the weight of the responsibility he will carry must grow heavier and heavier. If he has the right temperament for the job, he feels confident of being able to face...problems and...find solutions."
Mrs. Roosevelt continued...
"One must have confidence in oneself, trust in God, and (an) optimistic disposition."
In the humble opinion of JFK+50, Eleanor Roosevelt described President-elect John F. Kennedy perfectly.
In this same column, Mrs. Roosevelt wrote that the weather predictions for January 20, 1961 promised "clearing skies in the East," so she was hopeful for a "good day" for the inauguration. As it turned out, there was a massive snow storm in Washington, D.C. on January 19, 1961. Inauguration Day did have clear skies, but also a great deal of snow on the ground and bitterly cold temperatures.
*Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) was born in New York City and served as First Lady of the United States (1933-1945). AER was U.S. delegate to the United Nations (1945-1952) & earned the nickname "First Lady of the World."
Eleanor Roosevelt, "My Day, January 18, 1961," The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Digital Edition (2017), www2.gwu.edu/