
Friday, June 5, 2020


Los Angeles, California (JFK+50) On June 4, 1968, Senator Robert F. Kennedy* of New York won the Democratic California Primary.
Senator Kennedy defeated Senator Eugene J. McCarthy** of Minnesota by four percentage points.  The final result was RFK 46% to EJM 42%. 

The victory gave RFK a total of four primary wins and a 3 to 1 advantage over McCarthy in head to head contests.  At the time, however, both presidential candidates were trailing Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey in delegate strength....HHH 561,  RFK 393,  EM 258.

The victorious senator spoke to his supporters in the ballroom of the Ambassador Hotel here in Los Angeles.  After local time had passed midnight, RFK said...

"The country wants to move in a different direction.  We want to deal with our own problems within our own country and we want peace in Vietnam.  So my thanks to all of you and so now it's on to Chicago and let's win there."

After the speech, RFK exited the ballroom with his entourage through the hotel kitchen.  It was now June 5th as gunshots rang out in that kitchen.  Robert F. Kennedy lay on the floor bleeding from the back of his head. 
*Robert F. Kennedy (1925-1968) was born in Brookline, Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard and the University of Virginia School of Law. 
RFK was manager of JFK's 1952 Senate and 1960 Presidential campaigns.  He served as Attorney General from 1961 to 1964 and as US Senator 1965-1968 

**Eugene J. McCarthy (1916-2005) was born in Watkins, Minnesota and graduated from St. John's University and the University of Minnesota.  He taught in public schools 1935-40  and was professor at St. John's 1940-43.
EJM served in the House of Representatives 1949-1959 and in the Senate 1959-1971. 

Senator Robert Francis Kennedy 
(D-New York)