Columbus, Georgia (JFK+50) On Christmas evening, December 25, 1920, "white-robed figures paraded some of the streets" here in Columbus "scattering warning circulars to the loafers and undesirable class of citizens."
The circulars read...
"Warning! Undesirables, both white and black, we are after you. We know you--take warning--this loafing, thieving and prowling around has to stop. Ku Klux*."
*Ku Klux Klan (KKK) originated in Tennessee during Reconstruction, experienced a re-birth in 1915 which peaked in 1924-25, and exists today in small numbers. KKK is a white supremacist hate group which has historically targeted African-Americans.
JFK+50 Note:
This information was reported in a front page column of The Evening Star of Washington, D.C. on December 26, 1920.
"Terror-Stricken Negroes Flee As Ku Klux Prowls," The Evening Star, Washington, D.C., December 26, 1920, Chronicling America, The Library of Congress,