Minneapolis, Minnesota (JFK+50) On February 1, 1925, The Evening Star reports that defeated Farmer-Labor Senator Magnus Johnson* is taking "formal action to contest" the U.S. Senate seat of Senator-elect Thomas D. Schall** (R-Minnesota) on grounds alleging violation of the corrupt practices act."
The Federal Corrupt Practices Act (1910), signed into law by President William Howard Taft, regulates campaign finances in federal elections by setting spending limits for political parties.
Mr. Schall characterized Mr. Johnson as "a marionette who kicked and waved his hands...according to the tension of the string."
Senator Schall became an anti-New Dealer who compared FDR to Satan & accused Eleanor Roosevelt of corruption. Schall was struck by a hit & run driver in Cottage City, Maryland on December 19, 1935 & died three days later.
*Magnus Johnson (1871-1936) was born in Karlstad, Sweden & moved to the U.S. in 1891. MJ served in the U.S. Senate 1923-1925, & U.S. House of Representatives 1933-1935.
**Thomas David Schall (1878-1935) was born in Reed City, Michigan & graduated from the University of Minnesota, 1902 & William Mitchell College of Law, 1904. Served in U.S. Senate 1925-1935. Legally blind due to an electric shock from a cigar lighter, TDS was assigned a full-time page to assist him as a senator.
"Magnus Johnson To Contest Seat," The Evening Star, Washington, D.C., February 1, 1925, Chronicling America, Library of Congress,