
Friday, December 3, 2010


On December 3, 1961, "Camelot" opened at the Majestic Theater in New York City.  

The following is taken from a page on my website:

The Kennedy Presidency has come to be known as 'Camelot.'  The 1960 Broadway Musical was JFK's favorite.  Jackie said that 'Camelot' was the last record album that the President played at night before going to sleep.  She said that the last song on the album was his favorite:

    "Ask every person if he's heard the story & tell it strong & clear if he has not,That once there was a fleeting wisp of glory that was known as Camelot."

       The musical was based on the "Days of King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table" which had been one of JFK's favorite stories as a child. 

        The term 'Camelot' came to be applied to JFK's Presidency after his death.  Mrs. Kennedy feared that because her husband's term as President was so short that he would not be remembered.  She told the story of JFK's interest in Camelot to a reporter, Theodore White.  She said:  "Oh, Mr. White, there will never be another Camelot again!" The rest is history!