
Tuesday, December 4, 2018



Washington, D.C.(JFK+50) George Herbert Walker Bush*, 41st President of the United States, was elected in 1988 and served 1989-1993.  In 1992, he was defeated for re-election by William Jefferson Clinton.   Sandwiched between Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, both two-term presidents, GHWB would be limited to one.

Historically, one-term presidents get a bad rap.  If they survive their term of office but are defeated for re-election, logically we assume they were unsuccessful chief executives, at least in the minds of the voters.

According to an American Political Science Association 2018 survey, George H.W. Bush's #17 ranking among the 45 POTUS puts him at the top of the one termers.

George H.W. Bush (1992)  #17
William H. Taft (1912) #22
Grover Cleveland** (1888) #24
Gerald Ford (1976) #25
Jimmy Carter (1980) #26
Benjamin Harrison (1892) #32
Herbert Hoover *(1932) #36 

While George H.W. Bush's standing has improved since his defeat in 1992, it should be remembered that he pledged at the Republican convention..."read my lips, no new taxes" but then as president supported "modest tax hikes."

It also did not help when during one of the televised debates, President Bush was caught on camera looking at his watch as if to ponder 'when will this thing be over?'

President Donald J. Trump has declared the day of President Bush's funeral, December 5, 2018, to be a National Day of Mourning.  The former president will lie in state in the U.S. Capitol and will be buried in Houston.

*George H.W. Bush (1924-2018) was born in Milton, Massachusetts & graduated from Yale University.  He would serve 40 years in public service.  He was a member of Congress for 2 terms, Ambassador to the UN, Director of the CIA, VPOTUS  & POTUS 1989-1993.  He & wife Barbara were the parents of George W. Bush, the 43rd POTUS.

**Grover Cleveland was elected to a 2nd non-consecutive term as he defeated incumbent Benjamin Harrison in 1892.  GC is the 22nd & 24th POTUS.


"Great American, class act, underrated president," by Alejandro Gonzalez, December 3, 2018, USA TODAY.

George H. W. Bush
41st POTUS (1989)