
Friday, June 28, 2024



New York City (JFK+50) In the early morning hours of June 28, 1924, a "bitter fight" took place at a meeting of the Resolutions Committee of the Democrat's national convention held at Madison Square Garden* here in New York.

The Washington Times reports the meeting became so heated that at one point William Jennings Bryan asked the members "to kneel in prayer."

The members followed the Great Commoner's request as Mr. Bryan called upon the Almighty "to solve their troubles."

*Madison Square Garden (1890-1925) the 2nd building designed by Stanford White & built for $3 million.  A 3rd building opened in 1925 & stood until 1968.


Perhaps some Democrats last evening might well have also turned to prayer during the debate between President Biden and former President Trump.  Just saying....

We had a math teacher at my high school who was known for his strange opinions, but one of them was that the minimum age requirement for POTUS should be raised from 35 to 55.  His argument was in response to marital infidelity attributed to some of our younger Presidents.

After last night, I'm thinking a change of both minimum and maximum ages as requirements to be POTUS might be in order.  At the time the Constitution was adopted, the lifespan was much lower than it is today so 35 was a reasonable minimum age.  Today, however, with lifespans averaging in the mid 70s, 35 seems far too low.  I would argue there also needs to be a maximum age a person can serve as president.  

I am 76 years old and I have personally experienced a toll on my ability to function as I used to.  I have to limit my driving to daytime and close to home.  It gets harder and harder to do the most simple things.  I can't imagine the stress that any president would have and how that stress would have to affect their performance in the job, particularly if older.

If the age requirement by constitutional amendment is changed to 55 minimum 75 maximum (at time of inauguration) then perhaps some of these "troubles" would be solved.

I do not intend to indicate favor to one candidate or the other's performance last evening, both are "old", as I am, and both have their own troubles, as I do.

Interior of Madison Square Garden
New York Public Library