Boston, Massachusetts (JFK+50) On September 1, 1924, the Associated Press reports that Senator Burton K. Wheeler* kicked off his vice-presidential campaign on the Progressive ticket speaking on the Common here in Boston.
The Senator made no exceptions in attacking his opponents. Mr. Wheeler, of course, had no kind words for President Calvin Coolidge or his running-mate Charles G. Dawes.
Nor did Mr. Wheeler compliment John W. Davis, the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, saying he will "out-Coolidge Coolidge as a servant of Wall Street."
*Burton Kendall Wheeler (1882-1975) was born in Hudson, Massachusetts & served as US Senator of Montana, 1923-1947. BKW was a New Deal liberal until his break with FDR in 1937.
The La Follette-Wheeler ticket won one state, Wisconsin (13 electoral votes) in the Election of 1924. They polled 4.8 million popular votes. Coolidge won the election 382-136-13.
"Wheeler Assails Both Old Parties," The Evening Star, Washington, D.C., September 1, 1924, Chronicling America, Library of Congress, www.loc.gov/